TBC Ingredients ApS
On demand
Please inquire with us and we will find the solutions you need.
Many ingredients are imported from outside EU, and after processing, some of the products are exported out of EU. We work with import/export licenses and are able to guide and assist our customers in getting reliefs on imports for export or re-export with IPR licenses (Inward Processing Relief).
Processing and re-exporting
Processing and re-exporting
If you are importing goods from outside EU that you intend to process and then export, you can claim Inward Processing Relief (IPR).
There are two methods of duty relief – suspension and drawback.
IPR suspension allows you to import and process the goods while suspending duty and VAT payments. With IPR drawback, duty and VAT is paid on importation but can be reclaimed. You must be authorized by the authorities to claim these reliefs.